FQxI Members are an essential part of our organization and our mission. An FQxI Member is a researcher (theoretical or experimental, or both) or outreach specialist who works on topics within the purview of FQxI, has a mindset supportive of FQxI’s goals and philosophy, and has excellent credentials and significant research/outreach accomplishment, and promise .*
Member benefits include
Eligibility to apply for Fulcrum Grants of $1,000 to $15,000 for travel, workshops, collaborations, equity work, and more related to questioning the foundations of science. These grants are for Members only.
Invitations to international conferences hosted by FQxI (based on capacity).
Posting privileges on FQxI’s Forums.
Participation in a community with scientists and outreach specialists excited to explore the foundations of science.
Criteria for Nominations and Self-Nominations
Is an exceptional researcher and/or has an exceptional record of outreach and equity work ,
Works on Foundational Questions in Physics or Cosmology,
Has a Ph.D.,
And their academic interests align with FQxI’s foundational themes .
*Note on our current Membership nomination process: We are reconsidering the way Members are invited to expand beyond just the people our current Members know. In the meantime, we have decided to open our call for Membership to all, not just FQxI’s Members.
Open Call for Membership
All nominees must meet the basic criteria for nomination shared above.
We understand that the self-selecting nature of our nomination process might exclude people who are not known to our current Membership. As such, for a brief time, we are considering public nominations for Members whose research and outreach interests fit with FQxI’s goals. We are particularly interested in receiving nominations and self-nominations for Members who are from communities that are underrepresented and marginalized due to discrimination based on gender, sexual identity, race, ethnicity, or via ableism and other forms of oppressive bias.
Please submit a nomination or a self-nomination here .
Members are initially listed in random order, but you may control that using the sort control in the list header below right. Use the search option (magnifying glass icon below) to find people by name or institute.
Scott Thomas
Rutgers University
Catalina Curceanu
Elias Okon
National Autonomous University of Mexico
George Ellis
University of Cape Town
Gerardo Adesso
The University of Nottingham
Patricia Palacios
University of Salzburg
Michael Hall
Griffith University
David Hestenes
Arizona State University, Emeritus
Josh Deutsch
University of California – Santa Cruz
Lev Vaidman
Tel Aviv University
Carlo Rovelli
Samy Maroun Center
Matt Visser
Victoria University
Sylvia Wenmackers
KU Leuven
Thomas Elliott
University of Manchester
Alexander Vilenkin
Tufts University
Claudia de Rham
Imperial College London
Adam Brown
Stanford University
Kevin Knuth
University at Albany
Mischa Woods
University College London
Matthew Leifer
Chapman University
Mairi Sakellariadou
King’s College London
Andreas Albrecht
University of California, Davis
Stefano Pironio
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Greg Laughlin
UC Santa Cruz
Janna Levin
Barnard College
Ken Olum
Tufts University
Jos Uffink
University of Minnesota
Mark Van Raamsdonk
University of British Columbia
Maaneli Derakhshani
Rutgers University
Matty Hoban
Goldsmiths, University of London
Gerard t Hooft
Universiteit Utrecht
Sean Carroll
California Institute of Technology
Andrew Garner
National University of Singapore
Rahul Nandkishore
University of Colorado at Boulder
Eric Cavalcanti
Griffith University
Tony Leggett
University of Illinois
Maximilian Schlosshauer
University of Portland
Yelena Guryanova
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Vienna
Samir Mathur
The Ohio State University
Giulio Chiribella
The University of Hong Kong
Klaas Landsman
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
George Musser
Scientific American
Ana Belen Sainz
International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies – University of Gdansk
David Craig
Oregon State University
James Crutchfield
Physics Department
Jaume Garriga
Universitat de Barcelona
Tejinder Singh
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Gheorghe-Sorin Paraoanu
Aalto University
David Garfinkle
Oakland University
Olaf Dreyer
Imperial College
Valia Allori
Northern Illinois University
Jens Eisert
Free University of Berlin
Steven Savitt
University of British Columbia
David Lowe
Brown University
Thomas Sotiriou
University of Nottingham
Roger Penrose
Oxford University
Quanlong Wang
Topos Institute
Antony Lisi
Theiss Research
Robert Brandenberger
McGill University
Jan Walleczek
Fetzer Franklin Foundation
Matthew Pusey
University of York
Subir Sachdev
Harvard University
Brian Greene
Columbia University
Jonathan Barrett
University of Oxford
Naotsugu Tsuchiya
Monash University
Roderich Tumulka
University of Tübingen
Alex Maloney
McGill University
Jukka Pekola
Aalto University
Otfried Guehne
University of Siegen
David Deutsch
Oxford University
Neil Turok
University of Edinburgh
Travis Norsen
Smith College
Anton Zeilinger
IQOQI – Wien
Giacomo D’Ariano
Università di Pavia
Huw Price
University of Cambridge
David Rideout
University of California, San Diego
Moshe Rozali
University of British Columbia
Elise Crull
The City College of New York
Lucien Hardy
Perimeter Institute
Aephraim Steinberg
University of Toronto
Cristhiano Duarte
International Institute of Physics
Jeffrey Tollaksen
Chapman University
Chiara Marletto
University of Oxford
Chris Smeenk
Western University
Ralph Willox
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo
Jorge Pullin
Louisiana State University
Kasia Rejzner
University of York
Sean Tull
Cambridge Quantum Computing
Samuel Colin
Theiss Research
Alyssa Ney
University of California, Davis
Bernard Carr
Queen Mary, University of London
Kelvin McQueen
Chapman University
William Bialek
Princeton University
Tanmay Vachaspati
Arizona State University
Reza Tavakol
Queen Mary, University of London
Nino Zanghi
University of Genoa, Italy
Massimiliano Esposito
University of Luxembourg
Jacob Biamonte
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Laura Ruetsche
University of Michigan
Flavio Mercati
Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome
Donald Marolf
University of California
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
University of Washington
Tomasz Paterek
Nanyang Technological University
Lawrence Hall
University of California, Berkeley
David Wiltshire
University of Canterbury
Renata Kallosh
Stanford University Physics Department
Matthias Kleinmann
University of Siegen
Pawel Kurzynski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Craig Hogan
University of Chicago
Eduardo Guendelman
Physics Dept. Ben Gurion University
Stephen Wolfram
Wolfram Research
Lajos Diosi
Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Martin Bojowald
Pennsylvania State University
Simon Saunders
Oxford University
Lee Smolin
Perimeter Institute
Robert Spekkens
Perimeter Institute
Ariel Caticha
University at Albany, State University of New York
Michele Reilly
Turing Inc.
Felicity Meakins
University of Queensland
Tevian Dray
Oregon State University
Jörg Schmiedmayer
Atominstitut Vienna
Sebastian Deffner
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)
Hendrik Ulbricht
University of Southampton
Steven Gratton
Kavli Institute for Cosmology and Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University
Susanne Still
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Jonathan Oppenheim
University of Cambridge
Vlatko Vedral
University of Oxford
Joao Magueijo
Imperial College London
Masahide Yamaguchi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ran Hassin
The Hebrew University
Jenann Ismael
Columbia University
Alexia Auffeves
Institut Neel – CNRS
Georgi Dvali
New York University
Peter Evans
University of Queensland
Antony Valentini
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Jian-Wei Pan
University of Science and Technology of China
Ted Jacobson
University of Maryland at College Park
Brian Wecht
Queen Mary University of London
Marcus Huber
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Michael Reisenberger
Theiss Research
James Weatherall
University of California, Irvine
Don Page
University of Alberta
Daniel Sudarsky
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Shinsuke Shimojo
California Institute of Technology
Henry Stapp
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jonathan Braden
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Larus Thorlacius
University of Iceland
Astrid Eichhorn
University of Southern Denmark; University of Heidelberg
Paul Davies
Arizona State University
Benjamin Huard
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Natalia Ares
University of Oxford
Harvey Brown
University of Oxford
Katherine Brown
Hamilton College
Christopher Jarzynski
University of Maryland
Stephan Hartmann
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Lee Altenberg
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Jean-Phillipe Uzan
Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris
Karim Thébault
University of Bristol
Gregory Chaitin
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro UFRJ
Markus Mueller
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Gaurav Khanna
UMass Dartmouth
Robert Lawrence Kuhn
“Closer to Truth”
David Chalmers
New York University
Caslav Brukner
University of Vienna & Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Thomas Durt
Ecole Centrale de Marseille-Institut Fresnel
Martin Rees
Cambridge University
Marcus Appleby
University of Sydney
Geoffrey West
Santa Fe Institute
Richard Easther
University of Auckland
Peter Samuelsson
Lund University
Paolo Perinotti
University of Pavia
Peter Byrne
Art & Science Laboratory
Jonathan Halliwell
Imperial College London
Howard Wiseman
Griffith University
Philipp Hoehn
University College London
Adan Cabello
University of Seville
Richard Healey
University of Arizona
Andrew Pontzen
University College London
Arkady Fedorov
University of Queensland
Christian Wuthrich
University of Geneva
Alexander Wilce
Susquehanna University
Leonard Susskind
Stanford University
David Tong
University of Cambridge
David Wolpert
Santa Fe Institute
Jonathan Mason
Mathematical Institute
Hector Zenil
Algorithmic Nature Lab, LABORES
Stefano Mancini
University of Camerino
Tony Short
University of Bristol
Jeffrey Bub
University of Maryland
Yakir Aharonov
Tel Aviv University
Christopher Isham
Imperial College
Andrei Linde
Stanford University
Kavan Modi
Monash University
Dagomir Kaszlikowski
Centre for Quantum Technologies
Farzad Nekoogar
Multiversal Journeys
Ruediger Schack
Royal Holloway, University of London
Tim Koslowski
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Avshalom Elitzur
Chapman University
David Albert
Columbia University
Vitaly Vanchurin
University of Minnesota
Simon DeDeo
Santa Fe Institute
Eliahu Cohen
Bar-Ilan University
Joel Wallman
University of Waterloo
Justin Khoury
Perimeter Institute
Samuel Fletcher
University of Minnesota
Tommaso Tufarelli
University of Nottingham
Lluis Masanes
University College London
Ettore Minguzzi
University of Florence, Italy
Daniele Oriti
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Rafael Sorkin
Syracuse University & Perimeter Institute
Patrick Hayden
Stanford University
Willy Fischler
University of Texas at Austin
Ken Wharton
San Jose State University
Victor Flambaum
University of New South Wales
Sumati Surya
Raman Research Institute
Laura Mersini-Houghton
University of North Carolina
Tim Palmer
University of Oxford
Felix Binder
Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Wojciech Zurek
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Nick Huggett
University of Illinois at Chicago
Holly Andersen
Simon Fraser University
Erik Hoel
Columbia University
Bianca Dittrich
Perimeter Institute
Doris Tsao
California Institute of Technology
Glenn Starkman
Case Western Reserve University
Shelly Goldstein
Rutgers University
Philip Pearle
Hamilton College
Maulik Parikh
Arizona State University
Lorenzo Maccone
Universita’ di Pavia
Tim Maudlin
New York University
Andrew Strominger
Harvard University
Emily Adlam
The University of Cambridge
Michael Salem
Tufts University
Jennifer Rittenhouse West
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Angelo Bassi
University of Trieste
Raphael Bousso
UC Berkeley
Joanna Karczmarek
University of British Columbia
Howard Barnum
Leibniz Universität Hannover and University of New Mexico
Noson Yanofsky
Brooklyn College
Adrian Kent
University of Cambridge
Julian Barbour
Aviva Berkovich-Ohana
University of Haifa
Richard Jozsa
University of Cambridge
Mile Gu
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Renaud Parentani
Universite Paris-Sud
Abraham Loeb
Harvard University
Gerard Milburn
The University of Queensland
Gavin Crooks
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael Dine
University of California, Santa Cruz
Larissa Albantakis
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Joseph Kirschvink
Fred Adams
University of Michigan
Dmitry Budker
Helmholtz Institute Mainz
Steven Giddings
UC Santa Barbara
William Unruh
University of British Columbia
Guilherme Franzmann
Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics
William Wootters
Williams College
Philip Goyal
University at Albany (SUNY)
Flaminia Giacomini
ETH Zurich
Sally Shrapnel
University of Queensland
Donald Spector
Hobart & William Smith Colleges
Ville Maisi
Lund University
Anthony Aguirre
UC Santa Cruz
John Donoghue
University of Massachusetts
Yasunori Nomura
UC Berkeley
Sara Walker
Arizona State University
Ian Durham
Saint Anselm College
Lisa Randall
Harvard University
Paul Kwiat
University of Illinois
Milan Cirkovic
Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
Alexander Vikman
Institute of Physics (FZU) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ASCR)
Jamie Vicary
Department of Computer Science
Ehtibar Dzhafarov
Purdue University
Raissa D’Souza
University of California, Davis
Thomas Curtright
University of Miami
Abhay Ashtekar
Pennsylvania State University
Alejandro Perez
Centre de Physique Théorique
John Barrett
Nottingham University
Silke Weinfurtner
The University of Nottingham
Christopher Fuchs
University of Massachusetts Boston
Ralf Schuetzhold
Universitat Duisburg-Essen
Carlos Barcelò
Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC)
Sean Gryb
University of Bristol
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia
University La Sapienza
Matthew Johnson
Perimeter Institute
Michael Zwolak
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Andrew Hamilton
JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder
Luis Garay
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Nathan Argaman
Nuclear Research Center Negev
Jeff Murugan
University of Cape Town, Astrophysics, Cosmology & Gravity Center
Piet Hut
Institute for Advanced Study
Owen Maroney
University of Oxford
Yakov Kremnitzer
University of Oxford
Nicole Yunger Halpern
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Johannes Kleiner
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Eleanor Knox
King’s College London
Janis Hesse
California Institute of Technology
Jayne Thompson
National University of Singapore, Centre for Quantum Technologies
Amedeo Balbi
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Ivette Fuentes
University of Nottingham
Fabio Anza
University of California, Davis
Jenny Harrison
UC Berkeley
David Sloan
Lancaster University
Christopher Timpson
Brasenose College