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Learn more about how FQxI makes a difference directly from our grantees, Scientific Advisory Council, and Members.

Geoffrey West

FQxI is an important part of the fundamental physics community, especially regarding expanding the boundaries of what questions can be addressed.

Joshua Deutsch

FQxI has had an impact on science that vastly exceeds its size and resources.

From my perspective, FQxI has had an impact on science that vastly exceeds its size and resources. Its funding model distinguishes itself from more traditional sources, by selecting high quality proposals that emphasize originality and creativity. Their approach is far more likely to lead to real advances than, say, the U.S.’s NSF and NIH, where it is widely acknowledged that new and innovative submissions get squelched, all too often. Their grant calls are well chosen to be in broad areas which are of fundamental importance, and not part of some fleeting trend. They get applications from a wide range of researchers in science, philosophy, and history. Lastly, its highly original meetings have had an enormous influence on my thinking, and many other researchers, in ways that are very significant.

Jenann Ismael

It’s hard to express the difference FQxI’s made–that you nurture and value work on expansive, risky topics. I think it gives courage to a lot of people.

Mile Gu

The FQxI grant has been extremely beneficial in my research in Singapore. FQxI support has allowed me to take on more exciting, fundamental projects, to host a workshop focused on this topic, which helped catalyze student interest. Such pursuits would not be possible in Singapore otherwise, where there is no local funding agency willing to support such upstream, foundational directions of research.

Mind Matters: Intelligence and Agency in the Physical World is one of the most scientifically stimulating workshops I have attended (and very well organized)!

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